Physician-Led and Physician-Governed
VIPN is a physician-led, physician-governed Clinically Integrated Network that empowers providers to improve care, manage costs and offer a better patient experience.

Everyone benefits from great healthcare delivery
This Clinically Integrated Network fosters independence and autonomy for each physician while enabling greater collaboration and improved quality through shared resources, advanced technology and clinical best practices that align with emerging models of care delivery.
Physicians You can demonstrate your quality and efficiency to patients, payers, and employers and enter into physician-directed “pay-for-performance” and other contractual arrangements with health plans in a way that financially recognizes your efforts.
Patients receive greater consistency of high-quality care delivered from a trusted source – their physicians – through better and more efficient communication between you, your colleagues, and your patients.
Hospitals will be able to develop more collaborative relationships with its Medical Staff, enlist physician support for quality initiatives, and position itself at an advantage in the market on the basis of quality.
Why Join a Clinically Integrated Network?
Clinical integration fosters interdependence among providers and, by working together on the quality initiatives selected for the program, enables them to achieve higher quality and demonstrate greater cost-effectiveness than likely accomplished on their own.