649 Results

Fify Thomas, NP

Family Nurse Practitioner

Vanguard Medical Corporation
845 7th St
Wasco, CA 93280
(661) 459-1000
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Caleb Thompson, MD

Interventional Cardiology

Dignity Health Medical Group-Bakersfield
3838 San Dimas St Ste B201
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(661) 321-3161
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Jana Thor, DO

Obstetrics and Gynecology

OBHG California, P.C.
420 34th St
Bakersfield, CA 93301
(864) 516-2259
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Danessa Thorbrogger, NP

Nurse Practitioner

Vanguard Medical Corporation
845 7th St
Wasco, CA 93280
(661) 459-1000
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Clinica Sierra Vista
8787 Hall Rd
Lamont, CA 93241
(661) 845-3731
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Adrianne Tolliver, FNP

Family Nurse Practitioner

Kern Psychiatric Health and Wellness Center, Inc.
8329 Brimhall Rd Ste 804
Bakersfield, CA 93312
(661) 431-1555
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Mayra Tovar Castro, MD

Internal Medicine

Clinica Sierra Vista
625 34th St Ste 100 & 200
Bakersfield, CA 93301
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Sonny Tran, DC


Vanguard Medical Corporation
1100 Bear Mountain Blvd
Arvin, CA 93203
(661) 459-1020
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